Wednesday 4 November 2009


I watched a wide variety of trailers in preparation for this project. These gave me a good understanding of how a trailer is put together, and gave me ideas on how to give a broad overview of the film without actually giving away too much of the plot. It also gave me a better idea of the different genres of film Of particular interest o me were action trailers, as this is the genre in which my film was based. the things I noticed about these were that the trailers relied on fast cuts in order to build up a sense of excitement, and gave hints about the story through bief lines of dialogue. Dramatic music was also often used, as this helped to build suspense and helped to intrigue the viewer.

I also looked at various film websites, and how these can create an imaginary world for the film. an example of this is that 2012 website which is a website in which the supposed "institute of human continuity" invited visitors to place their name into a lottery to escape being on the earth when an asteroid hit the planet . This resulted in several people complaining to NASA about why nothing had been done about the supposed asteroid heading towards earth. it is important to note that a large number of these film websites used colours and font styles to match the ambiance of their respective films, an example of this is the district nine web page, which uses dark colours and Grey background in order to reflect the grim mood of the film.

1 comment:

Brother Paul said...

Do list some of the films you watched and the film website links.