Wednesday 4 November 2009

film script

scene 1 = computer room. All that is seen is a shot of a computer server, the title of the film "power surge" appears on screen. We see several views of the server, including the machine next to it and the plugs.
Voice over = if this computer goes down, the whole national grid goes down.
scene 2 = shot of electricity substation. the camera zooms in on various parts of the building.
VO= Power surge.
text appears on screen stating " a Jack Blackmore production, starring Luke Mitchell and Paul Green"

scene 3 = in an office, in broad daylight, several people are sat at desks typing,, all fo a sudden all the lights turn of and the computers go dark.

Office worker 1 = powers out

scene 4= several people sitting around a radio in a darkened room listening to a news broadcast at night wrapped in blankets. . there are candles on the table, as well as other household items.

Radio announcer , = this is the 12th power cut in two days, and each consecutive power cut is worse than the last.

Scene 5 = Jack outside the enemy base talking to his boss via a high tech mobile phone.
He is stationed underneath a walkway, and a guard can be seen on top of the walkway entering the base. It is a grey and rainy day, and jack is carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit, because he is disguised as a business man in order to get into the base

Boss= Blackmore corporation are the people responsible for bringing the power down, Retrieve Dr Blackmore, and bring back the program their using.

Jack = understood.

Scene 6 = still in daytime. A security guard walks down a high tech corridor. corridor, past a room with a safe clearly visible inside, when the guard goes off camera, Jack comes out of a nearby cupboard, and enters the room with the safe, just as he picks up the disk containing the program from the safe, the scientist appears, his finger poised over the alarm button.

Scientist = you’ll never take me alive

Scene 7 = Jack being chased down a hallway Inside the Blackmore base by a security guard.

scene 8, a chase scene that shows jack running along various walkways outside the base.

Security guard a = seal all exits

Scene 8 = Jack back outside the base talking to his boss again, he is underneath the same walkway, this time, However, he is dressed in black, and it is in the middle of the night.

scene 9= the scientist is seen in an office like room, it is still night time

scientist = tonight, we're going to switch the whole country off forever!

scene 10 = the name of the film appears on screen followed by the text " made by RNC productions".
Boss = destroy the system and kill the scientist.
Jack = understood

Casting list so far
Scientist = Paul
Agent = Luke
guard = Dave
house residents = 54 residents
Boss voice over = not determined
Narrator voice over = not determined
Newscaster = Mathew
Office workers = tutors


Brother Paul said...

THis will work as first draft. You'll need to incorporate the title of the film into the VO and/or on-screen titles. Titles should also identify the stars.

More detail needed in the scene description e.g

Scene 4 - Interior, night. A living room in semi-darkness, lit by flickering torch. Two girls and a boy, wrapped in blankets, huddle round a transistor radio.

I'll go over standard screen layout again - check out

for samples of scripts. Strictly speaking, these are BBC TV rather than film scripts but Hollywood are incredibly fussy and insist on the Courier font which is not very VI friendly...

Brother Paul said...

You need to decide a title for the film.
I have arranged access to the RNC server room - suggest you do it Wednesday am if Geoff Bates is available then.

Brother Paul said...

This is clearer - but how is Jack talking to boss - mobile? You need to heighten the threat at the end and work in the basic credit & release date info via titles - at beginning or end.

The emergence from the cupboard could be anti-climactic - needs careful set-up!

Brother Paul said...

I've provisonally got access to server room tomorrow morning.