Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Radio industry notes

Summarise the weekly programme schedule – who are the main presenters? - what are the dominant genres of programming? Give examples.
In the weekday. The programmming is a mixture of chat and music. I would say the main presenters are Howard Bentham (who does the breakfast show. and Keith gooden ( who does part of the drivetime shift. The rest of the drivetime shift and most of the early evening is done by Mike George ( this is different to all the other shows as the muisc changes each night ( one night it is soul hour, another it is 80s hour).

at the weekend, the programming is totally different. Most of the programs are much more specialist. , such as the gardening show on a saturday moring. These shows are the sort of shows that commercail show s would not h av nn them.

Summarise music policy – what are the dominant genres of music? Give examples.

The dominat genre of music is mainly comprised of chart music from the 60s up to now. BBC hereford and worcester does no t play ceritain generes of music. Examples of msic it does not play are rap music and electronic muisc . The songs tend to be farily jovial an upbeat, although som e slower and more emotional songs are played as well.

Jennifer hudson = spotlight = 2000
jackson 5 - blame it on the boogie = 70s
onerepublic/tmbaland - apologize 2000s
The weather girls = 80s
The temptations = 60s
James morrison = you make it real for me = 2000s
Backtreet boys =
What is the balance of speech to music?
There is far more speech than music on BBC hereford and worester, but this includes things such as news and travel. If the news and travle were excluded form this, then I beleive that the two would be equal to each other.

What is the balance of live to pre-recorded material?
Most of the statios chat, is live. The news and weather isd mostly live as well, apert form a few precorded segaments of the news. The bulk of pre recorded material that the staion has is its jingles and station identifaction.

How does the station promote itself?
The station has a massive amount of jingles and station identification peices. There is alos a large amount of information aobut the station on the bbc webstie, including a detailed station schedule, whit hinformation on all the djs an shows. The website is probrzbly thier biggest premotional tool Listings for hereford and worestor are alos on the radio tmes and the local papers.

On the basis of what you’ve heard, what sort of audience is listening?
A massivley wide audience is listening to hereford and worcster. This is evidnenced by the fact there is a 50/50 split between older songs and more modern songs. ANother way that this is evidnenced is that the presneters talk about topics that apply to everyone (suchas cooking a chinexse meal) The only audience that is not likely to listen to bb hereford and worster is the more speicalist music listners, particularly those hwo like rap or heavey rock music, as these are not catered for on the station.

Analyse balance and coverage of news via listening & website – what is the ratio of local to national news?
Therew is far more local news as opposed to national news This is probaby because if people wnated ntational news, they woudl either read one of the national newspaers or listent o national radio. That said, some large stories such as the american gneral election are covered on bbc hereford and worceter news. thi is probrably du eto the fact that


Personlallyy, I would not litsent to hereford and worcester due to the fact that a lot of the convrsations do not have a massive bearing on me. This is mainly due to the fact that I am prmarily based in my home area of london, so ther4efore I would choose to listen to my local commercial radio station instead. Another reaosn why I would choose to listen to my commercial radio station is due to the fact that they tend to focus more on current popular music, as opposed to hereford and worcester which features just as much old music as it does current music. Saying this howver, I was surprised that hereford and worcester features as much currnet music as it did.

Compile list of questions for reporter’s visit on November 11
What are the lateswt radio ratings for this station.
How do you choose the music that you play
how do you chhoose stories to put into the news bullitens
how do you find ou abot what the listeners want
How long does it take roughly between recieving a peice of news and then having it bradcast

1 comment:

Brother Paul said...

You give a very full account of the BBC H & W output, showing that you have listened carefully to a cross-section of their programming. My only criticism is the SPELLING! You do need to proof-read your work before posting. Otherwise you write fluently with a wide vocabulary and clear structure.