Tuesday, 8 December 2009

scenes checklist

completed scenes
power station scene
server scene
house scheme
Luke talking to his boss tin he day.
interior chase scenes
exterior chase scenes
office scenes
confrontation with scientist
scientist in office talking for cliffhanger next Tuesday pm
jack under walkway talking to his boss in the night for cliffhanger next Tuesday pm..
Luke sneaking through base before confrontation with scientist
voice overs
newsreader, jacks boss, and narrator, next Wednesday.

unfinished scenes
as of February 2010, all scenes are now complete

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

provisional prop list

Prop list
agents mobile phone
Portable Radio
Pen Drive
mobile phone for the guard
peaked caps for guards
weapons for guards
briefcase for agent
suit for agent

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

locations props and lighting

I did some location scouting yesterday. I found that the point 4 sports complex at college would make an excellent base for the Blackmore corporation. because it is quite a large modern building. We also thought the tutor room would make a good office for the opening scene. When we asked the point 4 if we were allowed to use the area, they said as long as no members of the general public were in any shots as we would have to fill out a release form for them. We also looked at 54 Venn's lane as a good area to use for the section where people are huddled
round a radio.

in terms of costumes, I believe my scientist should wear a lab coat to demote him a such, and my agent should wear a suit. I am not sure what the three security guards should wear, as it will be difficult to find costumes for them. In terms of props, we will need something to represent the program that my agent has to recover, and perhaps my agent could have a briefcase as part of his disguise for getting into the base. We will also need a mobile phone to allow my agent to communicate with his boss.


I watched a wide variety of trailers in preparation for this project. These gave me a good understanding of how a trailer is put together, and gave me ideas on how to give a broad overview of the film without actually giving away too much of the plot. It also gave me a better idea of the different genres of film Of particular interest o me were action trailers, as this is the genre in which my film was based. the things I noticed about these were that the trailers relied on fast cuts in order to build up a sense of excitement, and gave hints about the story through bief lines of dialogue. Dramatic music was also often used, as this helped to build suspense and helped to intrigue the viewer.

I also looked at various film websites, and how these can create an imaginary world for the film. an example of this is that 2012 website which is a website in which the supposed "institute of human continuity" invited visitors to place their name into a lottery to escape being on the earth when an asteroid hit the planet . This resulted in several people complaining to NASA about why nothing had been done about the supposed asteroid heading towards earth. it is important to note that a large number of these film websites used colours and font styles to match the ambiance of their respective films, an example of this is the district nine web page, which uses dark colours and Grey background in order to reflect the grim mood of the film.

film script

scene 1 = computer room. All that is seen is a shot of a computer server, the title of the film "power surge" appears on screen. We see several views of the server, including the machine next to it and the plugs.
Voice over = if this computer goes down, the whole national grid goes down.
scene 2 = shot of electricity substation. the camera zooms in on various parts of the building.
VO= Power surge.
text appears on screen stating " a Jack Blackmore production, starring Luke Mitchell and Paul Green"

scene 3 = in an office, in broad daylight, several people are sat at desks typing,, all fo a sudden all the lights turn of and the computers go dark.

Office worker 1 = powers out

scene 4= several people sitting around a radio in a darkened room listening to a news broadcast at night wrapped in blankets. . there are candles on the table, as well as other household items.

Radio announcer , = this is the 12th power cut in two days, and each consecutive power cut is worse than the last.

Scene 5 = Jack outside the enemy base talking to his boss via a high tech mobile phone.
He is stationed underneath a walkway, and a guard can be seen on top of the walkway entering the base. It is a grey and rainy day, and jack is carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit, because he is disguised as a business man in order to get into the base

Boss= Blackmore corporation are the people responsible for bringing the power down, Retrieve Dr Blackmore, and bring back the program their using.

Jack = understood.

Scene 6 = still in daytime. A security guard walks down a high tech corridor. corridor, past a room with a safe clearly visible inside, when the guard goes off camera, Jack comes out of a nearby cupboard, and enters the room with the safe, just as he picks up the disk containing the program from the safe, the scientist appears, his finger poised over the alarm button.

Scientist = you’ll never take me alive

Scene 7 = Jack being chased down a hallway Inside the Blackmore base by a security guard.

scene 8, a chase scene that shows jack running along various walkways outside the base.

Security guard a = seal all exits

Scene 8 = Jack back outside the base talking to his boss again, he is underneath the same walkway, this time, However, he is dressed in black, and it is in the middle of the night.

scene 9= the scientist is seen in an office like room, it is still night time

scientist = tonight, we're going to switch the whole country off forever!

scene 10 = the name of the film appears on screen followed by the text " made by RNC productions".
Boss = destroy the system and kill the scientist.
Jack = understood

Casting list so far
Scientist = Paul
Agent = Luke
guard = Dave
house residents = 54 residents
Boss voice over = not determined
Narrator voice over = not determined
Newscaster = Mathew
Office workers = tutors

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

media project treatment

Below is an overview of the whole film, not all of this will be seen in the trailer.
Scene 1.
The first scene would involve all the lights going down in a building, with someone yelling the words “powers out.
Scene 2.
The second scene would be a shot of Jack Jones talking to his boss. His boss would be explaining to him the threat the terrorists pose to the nation, and explaining that they were responsible for the power outage yesterday. Finally, the boss would explain to Jack that his mission is to retrieve both the program that shut down the power network and the scientist that created it.

Scene three.
This scene would show Jack evading guards on his way to the scientist. A possible method of him doing this would hiding in cupboards as the guards walk past, or hiding in various storage containers so that guards do not notice that e is there.

Scene four.
This scene would involve Jack meeting the scientist ( Dr Smith) for the first time. This would be done in a large room filled with computer equipment. Jack would enter the room just as Dr smith was about to shut down the power network for the second time Although jack is able to retrieve the disk from Mr Smith, Mr Smith sets off the alarm system, and so jack is unable to evacuate him safely.

Scene 5.
This scene would be a chase sequence in which Jack is seen running away from pursuing guards out of the terrorists headquarters, he would escape to a helicopter that is waiting outside.

Scene six.

Jack wold be talking to his boss again outside the base for this scene, his boss would explain that the disc that Jack recovered was only a backup, and the real program was on the terrorists central computer system. Located at the top of a tower.Jack objective is to blow up the mainframe.

Scene Seven.
This scone involves Jacks re entry into the base. It is another chase scene, but this time the chase covers different areas that it did before, at the end of the scene jack finds the mainframe control room and plants the demolitions charges he has been given.

Scene eight
This is the scene in which jack escapes from the base, at the beginning of the scene, Jack communicates with his boss, who explains to him that he only has five minutes to escape before the whole thing blows to pieces. This scene will be incredibly similar o the other two chase scenes, expect that the people rushing around will not necessarily be after jack but looking to escape as well. At the end of the scene, jack fights the scientist and wins. The end of the film sees jack escaping into the waiting helicopter, with the base blowing up behind hm.

Contents of the trailer.
this is the parts of the film that I would actually shoot for the project.

The trailer would Begin with a shot of the computer room, and a voice over saying that if this machine goes down, then the whole national grid will go down.

The trailer would continue with a shot of lights going out in various offices, and someone yelling “powers out. As happens in the start of the movie. The trailer would then cut to a scene of Jack talking to his boss outside the base he is supposed to be entering, with his boss explaining to him the situation.

The next scene in the trailer would involve Jack hiding in a cupboard to to evade a guard, then taking the disk that contains the power disrupting program form a shelf. He then sees the scientist about to push an alarm button , who says the line “ you’ll never take me alive

“ the next scene involves Jack being chased out of the installation while being followed by guards. Eventually bursting out of a large gate. The trailer ends with jack talking to his boss again, setting up the final scene of the movie.


The story of my film involves a secret agent named jack Jones trying to track down a program on a disc that has the power to disable the UK power network .The power network already went down for just over 24 hours once with devastating effects. The government has has received a letter saying that if the terrorists do not receive ten million pounds, then the power network will go down again. The government sets Jones a mission to recover the computer program that brought it down, and bring the scientist back to London for questioning.

The agent enters the base through a back door, and has to evade a few guards in order to progress deeper into the base. On the way down a corridor, he is spotted by guards and has to find a safe place to hide, which he accomplishes by hiding in a broom cupboard until pursuit has quietened down. He then finds the disc but is seen again on the way out by guards and fails to evacuate the scientist. Upon looking at the disc that Jack recovers, the government discover that it was only a backup and the main program is on the terrorists computer network. The government then sends Jack back into the base to destroy it and kill the scientist at all costs, which is accomplished by the agent.

I would produce a trailer for this film for my project. It would be an action film. I am attracted to this idea because I believe it would be fun to create something in the action genre, and I have played a fair amount of games based around this sort of concept so I have several places to look at for inspiration. .. The trailer itself would show small snippets of the actions, such as just showing the agent entering the base, evading pursuit from guards and possibly extracting the scientists

In terms of research, I would probably need to look at movie trailers online, in order for me t o get a better idea of the structure or form that they are usually displayed in. I would probably also need to look at some more action films, because although I have played many games with similar concepts, I have not seen a massive amount of films.

In terms of technical resources , I would need a video camera and a video editing package like those found in the media department. I would probably need access to Garage band once again in order to compose the music for my trailers. For this project to be effective however, I would need to develop my video skills as I have practically no experience in this field at all. I wold also need to learn how to use the video editing software in order to edit my piece successfully.

I believe my product could be created fairly successfully in the college. This is because the college building itself would make a very good enemy base.In terms of people, I would need about five actors in total, one actor to play the agent himself, a couple of actors to play the the guards that he has to get past at the base and possibly another actor in order to play the scientist that he has to retrieve. In terms of props, both the agent and the guards would need a costume in order to make them look convincing, and these characters would likely need to be armed as well.

In terms of how my project could be distributed in real life, the most logical choice would be at the cinema, at the beginning and end of films, as that is when most movie trailers are shown. My trailer would also likely be available on the Internet , as this is where most film trailers can be found these days. The potential audience for my project would likely be males in the end of their teens or early twenties, as these tend to be the sort of people who watch these sorts of films.

In terms of how I would promote my film, I would crate a radio trailer, this would utilise key snippets of dialogue form the film, and would probably also use some sound effects in order to convey the premise of the film to a radio listening audience. The second method I would use to promote my products. I would also use a web page where both the trailer and the radio trailer could be watched and heard, along with pictures for the film, as another possible method of promotion

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

media evaluation

The ways my media project uses, develops, and challenges media products.
My media project uses many conventions of radio news, for example, it uses vox pops, and it uses an introductory summary, jingles, and packages. . One thing that it does is start off with a brief summary of all the headlines and then go into each of them in more detail later on in the broadcast. This enables me to encourage the listener to keep listening if they hear the brief summary and then listen on to get more information about something that interests them. Another convention that my piece follows is the use of a jingle to identify the station with the listener. There are also conventions with regards to the packages that I have used in the assembly of my piece. The first of these is that I have included Vox Pops as a way of getting peoples opinions on the stories that I am covering. My media project does not uphold all media conventions however. The first example of this is that it uses news stories which are not real; because by the time the news stories were devised into a product they would have been out of date. Another convention that my radio project does not adhere to is that my project was constructed in a matter of weeks as opposed to hours., because, we could only access a large amount of the technical equipment within the media sessions. It is important to note that all my stories relate to real issues taking place in the world today, an example of this would be that Harrods closing down relates to the fact that real businesses are closing down because of the credit crunch.

My product and particular social groups.
My media project represented particular social groups in two ways. The first would be that I was representing` the interests of regular Londoners when I was interviewing my guests, because I was asking the questions that they wanted to know the answers to. The second way that my media product represents particular social groups is through social class. An example of this is that Boris Johnson and the ladies from Harrods both represent upper class London citizens through their accents and the language they use In contrast to this, the people in my vox pops for the congestion charge story present classes from all across London, as evidenced through the large range of accents heard in the clips.

Audience and distribution
The sort of media institution that might play my media project would be a commercial station based in London such as Capital FM. This is because my project fits the style used for these stations and covers news stories that are appropriate to Londoners.
The audience for my media project would be Londoners aged 35 and under. This is because they are the people most likely to listen to a station than plays contemporary hits. Another reason this audience would be attracted to this station would be than they news stories actually affect Londoners, such as the congestion charge story.
In terms of distribution, there are many ways that LHR radio would be distributed. These include FM Radio, and digital methods such as through DAB and freeview. Finally, LHR would have a website, through which you can access an audio stream of the station.
Attracting and addressing my audience
I attracted my audience making sure that all stories played were of interest for them. An example of this is that most people will be affected by the congestion charge story because it affects their day to day lives. In terms of addressing my audience, I used an informal style to do this and also ensured that I spoke on the same level as them. I believe the cockney accent in my jingle helped with this because I helped forge a link between the station and its listeners.

The technologies that I used
The main technology that I used in this project as Garage band, Sound forge, I also used R09 portable recorders. A mixing desk and a pair of CD decks. Garage Band is a program that enables me to create jingles, and also edit and assemble the finished package. Other features of Garage Band that I found particularly useful are the fact that you can position sounds on tracks, change the volume of tracks, or add special effects to specific tracks. Finally, it is possible to add various audio clips and sound effects to tracks, if you are having trouble creating a jingle or need to add atmosphere to a project.
Sound forge has editing features similar to garage band, but the big difference is that it is not multi track, meaning that it cannot be used during the composition of jingles. The Ro9 portable recorder is a simple device with two microphones built in witch I used to gather vox pops and interviews.

What I have learned with regards to technology
The first major thing that I have learnt through using this technology is that mistakes through digital media are very easy to correct. This is because if you make a mistake, you can simply use the undo command to start over again, or if the worst comes to the worst, reload the original file. Another than that I have learned form using this technology is the search for the right acoustic setting. , this means that if there is too much background noise, as there may be in an outdoor setting such as by a busy main road, the actual voices of the people talking could be obscured by background noise. Therefore, I have learnt that it is always better to record in a quitter setting (such as inside a quiet room)
And then add the background noise in as a separate track. Finally, I have also learned a massive amount about using the software ad hardware, because before I started doing the course I had no experience in this area at al.

From the preliminary task to the full task
I feel I improved a massive amount in terms of my technical skills. This is because I got to se a much wider range of technology in this project... I also expanded on my skills in garage band, which was the main program I used in constructing my preliminary project. In some ways, I found the main project easier because it was not as rushed as the preliminary project. Another reason as to why I found the main project easier is because by that point, I had a better idea of how to plan my project because I knew by that point what most of the technology was capable of. A final reason as to why I found the main project easier than the preliminary project is that I had a better idea of media conventions by this point.

Audience Feedback
I have received two pieces of audience feedback so far. Both of them said that my radio piece sounded professional and believable. One of the two people made a comment that the levels fluctuated thought the piece. As the comment came from a sound engineer, this is something that I would like to improve on in future.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Link Script


Hello, I’m Jack Blackmore
The top stories this hour.

The congestion charge zone will now cover Greater London!

Harrods is crunched by the credit crisis!

Nissan announces the first practical electric car!

And Michael Jackson gives Londoners more dates!

Now – the news in depth.

Boris Johnson has announced plans to extend the congestion charge in order to cover the whole of greater London.. . I spoke with Boris Johnson earlier for more information on this.
Insert 1 Boris. Start: “so Boris, when you were elected “end: “bloody terrible bloody terrible.

In other news, Harrods has announced that today will be its last day of trading. , chaos has erupted inside as shoppers scramble to make the most of the reduced prices; we spoke to two shoppers as they left the store.

Insert 2: Harrods start: “it’s dreadful, dreadful,” end: "but we did pick up some bargains “We tried to reach Mr Al fayed, but he was not available for comment.

Nissan have developed a new electric car that can go at 100mph and will b sold for under £20,000. The car will be exempt form so of the major car taxes such as the congestion charge and will also come with a cable enabling you to charge or home. We spoke to a representative from Nissan.

Insert 3: Nissan start:” the new Nissan can reach speeds of up to 100 miles per hour” end: to ensure you have enough power to reach your destination.

Michael Jackson has extended his stay at the o2 area by a further 10 dates, meaning that he will now continue to perform at the venue until March 2010. It is also expected that a new album will be released in order to coincide with the tour. Michael Jackson’s spokesperson has said that this is due to overwhelming demand for tickets.

In other news:

The 20 top universities have announced that university fees need to be doubled in order for them to continue to survive. The University of South London however, has said that it plans to cut fees by 10% in order to attract more students who would not otherwise have been able to cope with eh funding requirements.

Finally, the metropolitan police are planning to recruit a large amount of new officers to its ranks, in order to combat rising crime levels in London. The head of the organisation said that this move, coupled with the announcement that police officers will now be patrolling alone in order to have a wider reach.

nissan script

1. What are the unique selling points of your car
The Green Nissan can reach speeds of up to 200mph; it can be brought for less than twenty thousand pounds and will also be exempt forming most of the major road taxes. Another good point of this car is that it has a cable that enables you to charge your car at home, s there are reduced need to head to a recharge station.

2. There could be a problem for people recharging their cars, as this car is not supported at most petrol stations t the minute, do you have any way around this.
Well, jack, we plan to liaise with most petrol stations in order to have electric recharging stations there, however most people shouldn't’t need that as they should be able to simply recharge their car from home., for those journeys that are incredibly long, then it may be necessary to plan out your journey to ensure that you have enough power to reach your destination.

Harrods script

What was it like in the sale ?

How do you feel about Harrods closing down.?

boris johnson script

Why did you extend the congestion charge after promising that you wouldn't after your initial election?

Had this decision been planned for a long time or was it a choice that was made fairly quickly?

Will the congestion charge area get any bigger.

main project premotion

My station will be called LH Radio (the LH stands for London Hits radio). It will be aimed at the age range of 10 – 30, playing the most recent pop hits. The news stories themselves will be a mix of local stories, entertainment stories and international stories.

I would begin the broadcast by rounding up the main news stories which I will go onto later in this broadcast The main series will consist of a local story about Boris Johnson trying to extend the congestion charge zone, a national story about hoards closing down, and an international story about the arrival of the first affordable electric car developed by Nissan.

My local story wills b about Boris Johnson extending the congestion charge zone to all of greater London. This could be done in an outside report style, with people being called in to play government officials and also possibly views form the locals about the situation. I belied that if we could get someone to play Boris junco, then it would make this Tory seem incredibly real. In terms of extra details to this story, I would also say that some of the refund rules of the previous congestion charge are not available with this version. An example of this would be that as part of the new congestion charge rulings, blue badge holders would no longer be exempt format eh congestion charge.

My second news story would be a nest story with regards to the credit crunch. It would concern the store Harrods. Harrods is a luxury goods store that has been trading fro nearly 200 years, so therefore it would be a large shock to a great many people if this store closed. I would use a vox pop in this story to look at the views from the people who use Harrods. I would also use sound effects to create the impression of a Monster Sale.

My final story would be an international story with regards to the fact that Nissan has just completed work on an electric car that is incredibly cheap and affordable. I would have an interview from the president of Nissans Japanese branch. This interview would involve someone speaking with a foreign accent in order to increase authenticity. This interview would explain how powerful the car is and how environmentally friendly it is as well. I old also include some sound effects I this piece, in order to make it seem more authentic.
Nissans car can do 100mph, being released for under 20 thousand pounds

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

commercial radio

How many commercial radio stations are there in the UK?

There are 347 commercial radio stations currently operating in the United Kingdom.

How big is their audience?

31 million people listen to commercial radio every week

Name the three national commercial stations

The three national commercial stations are Absolute Radio (formerly Virgin), Talksport and classic fm.

Find three stations targeting ethnic minorities

Three stations targeting ethnic minorities are Rainbow Radio, which targets the African community, Gaydar radio, which targets the gay community in London, and finally, London Greek radio, which targets the Greek community across London.

Find one station targeting alternative life-styles
An example of a station that targets alternative lifestyles would be Gaydar Radio

Name one religious station

An example of a religious station would be premier Christian radio.

What is the variation in advertising costs?
The variation in advertising costs is between £100 and £20,000 a week

What are the main roles in a typical commercial station - and what are the differences between a BBC local radio stations?
A typical commercial radio station would have presenters, who are the main link between the listener and the radio station itself. Secondly, a commercial radio station would have news and travel team, this varies form station to station, but the bigger ones are likely to have professional journalists. C Another major role that all commercial stations are likely to have is a programme director, who decides on the stations music policy and also decides on the mood of the stations. Other major roles that a commercial radio stations have include a person who gets all the adverts for the station, and also sound engineers who oversee the technical side of things. The big difference between commercial radio stations and BBC stations is that they do not have advertisers, due to the fact that they are paid for by the license fee.

How many people are currently using DAB?
There are currently over 7 million DAB sets in the UK.
Name six ways in which stations enhance their output via the web. Give two specific examples.
The first way that stations enhance their put-put VI a web is through online streaming, an example of this is that Capital radio let you listen to their station online simply by clicking on a link. Another way that stations enhance their output via the web is by providing news and travel section that expands on what is already heard on air. By this I mean that the newsreader will say “go to our website for more information” and there will be a page or so of information on that particular story. A third way that commercial radio stations enhance their output through the web is having an expanded “whets on section. Capital FM has a large database on its website, where you simply type in where you live and what you want do d (such as going to a bar for example. and the station will find o something for you based on that location. . The fourth method hat radio stations could use is through podcasting. This is a method in which a station can put highlights on of major shows. An example of this is through capitals podcasting service, in whiich each of the shows produce a weekly podcast with all of the celebrity interviews form that weeks show. The fith method that radio stations interact with their audience via the web is through listen again features. These are features that enable listeners to listen though the whole of their favourite shows online, in Capital, this is done through a box at the top of the web player called “ listen again, when this is clicked, a drip down box appears with a list of all the shows form the last week. Finally, most stations let our email the studio through the website. On Capital this is done through a link which opens up a new email message with capitals email address already in the address box. . This allows the listener to send in feedback for the station, or send out dedications or requests.

Give two examples of how stations are involved with the local community
The first way that Capital is involved with the local community is through their Help a London Child charity. This a charity set up by the station to improve the lives of children in London. Most recently, Capital hake started a “Christmas Appeal”, in which listeners are asked to send in their old Mobile phones. These hones are then converted into money in order to help missing and runaway children. The second way that Capital are involved with the local community is through the concert that they put on at the O2 arena on the 10th of December, 2008 , this was tilted “ the Jingle Bell Ball”. 16 major stars preformed at the event, including Rihanna, James Morrison, the Saturdays, and Will Young mad tee concert was also supported by the London Light Newspaper. The concert was announced in mid September, and some of the proceeds form ticket sales went to Capitals Christmas Appeal. Members of the community were then given the opportunity to win tickets form the station form early October right through to the morning of the event itself.

What is the main speech radio format in commercial radio? What is the least common?
The most common format of speech radio would be phone in radio, where listeners are invited to phone into the station and have discussions with the presenters about the topic in question. The least common format would be radio drama.

Using the www, find two stations owned by Global Media and two stations owned by Bauer Media
Two stations owned by Global Media are Capital FM and Heart FM Two station owned by Bauer Media are Kiss 100 and Q radio
Part B – Short essay – up to 500 words.
Is commercial radio reaching younger audiences – and, if so, how?

In this essay, I will discuss
How commercial radio is reaching younger audiences. The first way that I believe younger audiences are being reached through commercial radio is through the massive amount of stations that operate commercially in most areas of the country. An example of this is that in London, Capital FM caters to the more mainstream younger audience, playing contemporary chart hits, whereas Kiss 100 caters to the people who are into the more urban genres of music such as Dance. Because of this, there will always be a station that appeals to the younger section of the population in most areas, especially in the big cities such as London.

The second way that commercial radio is reaching younger audiences is due to the fact that they know what the younger audiences are interested in and therefore discuss these issues on air. An example of this is that when it was almost time for the A level results to come out, most local radio stations were discussing this live on air, and these discussions sometimes included callers ringing up to discuss with the presenters their results. This is an issue that young people can relate to, therefore prompting more young people to listen to digital radio...

Another reason why commercial radio is reaching younger audiences is due to the fact that there are commercial stations that aim at young audiences. These stations tend to play music that would normally be found on commercial radio stations. An example of a station such as this is Fun radio, which is entirely dedicated to aiming its broadcasts at children. The major benefit of this is that pedants are likely to let their children listen to commercial radio due to the fact that they know that their children will not hear anything that is inappropriate for them.

Another way that commercial radio stations are attracting young audiences is through their promotional completions. The reason for this is that a large number of prizes are prizes that young people would be interested in winning. The result of this that once young people know what the ripe is and if they are interested, then they are likely to listen to the station all the time in order to attempt to win. An example of a competition such as this is that Capital gave away tickets to its “Jingle Bell Ball” on air for just u under three months. The fact that they were able to run long suggests that there was a massive amount of interest in the event. Due to the fact that a large member of the artists performing at the event was contemporary pop singers, I suspect that a large number of these listeners were form the younger portion of the population.