Friday, 5 December 2008

radio drama analysis - The Broadcaster

The first thing that I will discuss is the story of the broadcaster. The play is about a man who applies of r a job as a broadcaster at a station called TOP Radio. When he arrives, he discovers that he is the only human working at the station. He begins his work and as time goes on, he leaves the studio less and less until eventually he is broadcasting all the time, without even eating or sleeping. This continues for some time until eventually, he decides to sleep for a week. When the broadcaster awakes, he panics as to the fact that he slept while he should have been working, but his superiors don’t seem to notice and praise him as to what a fantastic job he is doing. It is around this time that he starts to shrink, but he continues to do his work as if nothing is happening. The play ends with the broadcaster slowly but surely beginning to want things like food again, in an attempt to stop the shrinking. Although he gets the things he requires, he continues to shrink. The radio play ends with the broadcaster being placed inside the acoustics of the room and left there.

Now I will look at the language of the play. The accent is American or Canadian, most likely due to the fact that the play was written, produced and broadcast in Vancouver, so it seems logical to have everyone in the same location. This is also likely done so that listeners can understand what is being said. In terms of the vocabulary, the play uses quite a lot of technical terminology, most likely due to the fact that this really helps create the picture that the radio station being described is real.

In terms of the plays narrative structure, this is accomplished in this play using tow different ways. The first is through a narrator explaining things that are going on in the story. This is probably the main way that a narrative structure is created in this play, due to the fact that it explains when time has passed and also due to the fact that it explain what is happening when no one is speaking. The second way that the narrative stature is advanced is through the characters themselves explaining what is going on. This is done particularly in the beginning of the play, when the people running the station explain that the broadcaster is the only human link in the station. This really helped the play due to the fact that it meant that narrator’s role did not overshadow the rest of the characters speaking roles. If this had happened, it would have been extremely boring to listen to as the narrator would be the only speaking part and therefore the play would be incredibly boring to listen to.

Next I will look at the way that music and sound effects are used within this play. Music is used by the DJ as if the station were a real music station, with the broadcaster announcing each song that is being played. This helps toot create the feeling that the broadcaster is in a real music station. Send effects on the other hand, are used to help move the narrative along an example of this is when someone comes into the radio studio the door is heard opening and then closing again in order to signify this. This also helps to make the play seem more real.

Digital radio

The first major way that Digital Radio has improved things for the audience is through the fact that there are many more stations on DAB then there are on FM hose could be stations that were once simply local stations on FM such as Absolute Radio (formerly known as Virgin) or new stations that are only on digital radio, such as the Hits radio. This gives digital radio listeners a grater degree of choice over what to listen to. Analogue radio, by compassion, does not have nearly as many stations.

The first major way that digital radio changes the experience for listeners is that it allows people from all over the country to listen to the same stations. This means that listeners can still listen to their favourite radio stations all around the country, and in some cases, are able to keep up with events happening in their local area because of this. An example of this is Absolute radio, which broadcasts the same feed all over the country, even though it is a London station.

Another way that digital radio has enhanced the listening experience is by putting stations on digital radio that would most likely not be on FM Radio. An example of this is BBC Radio 1 Extra. This is a station that caters to the more urban musical tastes. On top of this, it plays a large mount of songs that would not be played on most regular stations. These sorts of stations bring more people into radio because they cater for a wider array of musical tastes.

Another way that digital radio enhances the listening experience is through the screen that is on most digital radios. This enables the broadcaster in question to display small amounts of information. Examples of the sort of things that are usually displayed are thing such as the name of the artist and song that is being currently played, or the latest sports results. Alternatively, in a station that is entirely based on speech radio, the name of the show could be played on this screen, so that listeners know exactly what the station is talking about. . This makes it easier for a listener who has just started listening to the station to pick up what is going on and begin enjoying the station quicker than they would if they had began listening on FM.

I will now look at the way that stations are selected on digital radio. This is due to the fact that this is another major advantage of using the service because there are no more frequencies to remember. This makes radio stations more accessible to everyone, due to the fact that people are more likely to remember the name of the station on digital rather than a frequency number on analogue. Another reason why selecting digital radio stations is easier than on analogue is due to the fact that presets can be saved on digital radio. This means that stations can be set to start playing when certain buttons are pressed on the front of the receiver. Accessibility is an area that is greatly improved because of this, due to the fact that if you have difficulty selecting the stations that you want to listen to, then you can set these stations as preset so you don’t have to go through all the hassle of finding them.

The final major improvement for listeners on digital radio is the fact that sound quality is greatly improved on digital radio. This is because the signals from digital radio are not affected by electrical anomalies in the atmosphere, meaning the signal will be clearer. The main difference this makes for the user is that there will be no “hum” noise in the background as there can be on AM, and the signal will not “crackle” as it does on FM. This greatly enhances the listener’s experience.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Radio industry notes

Summarise the weekly programme schedule – who are the main presenters? - what are the dominant genres of programming? Give examples.
In the weekday. The programmming is a mixture of chat and music. I would say the main presenters are Howard Bentham (who does the breakfast show. and Keith gooden ( who does part of the drivetime shift. The rest of the drivetime shift and most of the early evening is done by Mike George ( this is different to all the other shows as the muisc changes each night ( one night it is soul hour, another it is 80s hour).

at the weekend, the programming is totally different. Most of the programs are much more specialist. , such as the gardening show on a saturday moring. These shows are the sort of shows that commercail show s would not h av nn them.

Summarise music policy – what are the dominant genres of music? Give examples.

The dominat genre of music is mainly comprised of chart music from the 60s up to now. BBC hereford and worcester does no t play ceritain generes of music. Examples of msic it does not play are rap music and electronic muisc . The songs tend to be farily jovial an upbeat, although som e slower and more emotional songs are played as well.

Jennifer hudson = spotlight = 2000
jackson 5 - blame it on the boogie = 70s
onerepublic/tmbaland - apologize 2000s
The weather girls = 80s
The temptations = 60s
James morrison = you make it real for me = 2000s
Backtreet boys =
What is the balance of speech to music?
There is far more speech than music on BBC hereford and worester, but this includes things such as news and travel. If the news and travle were excluded form this, then I beleive that the two would be equal to each other.

What is the balance of live to pre-recorded material?
Most of the statios chat, is live. The news and weather isd mostly live as well, apert form a few precorded segaments of the news. The bulk of pre recorded material that the staion has is its jingles and station identifaction.

How does the station promote itself?
The station has a massive amount of jingles and station identification peices. There is alos a large amount of information aobut the station on the bbc webstie, including a detailed station schedule, whit hinformation on all the djs an shows. The website is probrzbly thier biggest premotional tool Listings for hereford and worestor are alos on the radio tmes and the local papers.

On the basis of what you’ve heard, what sort of audience is listening?
A massivley wide audience is listening to hereford and worcster. This is evidnenced by the fact there is a 50/50 split between older songs and more modern songs. ANother way that this is evidnenced is that the presneters talk about topics that apply to everyone (suchas cooking a chinexse meal) The only audience that is not likely to listen to bb hereford and worster is the more speicalist music listners, particularly those hwo like rap or heavey rock music, as these are not catered for on the station.

Analyse balance and coverage of news via listening & website – what is the ratio of local to national news?
Therew is far more local news as opposed to national news This is probaby because if people wnated ntational news, they woudl either read one of the national newspaers or listent o national radio. That said, some large stories such as the american gneral election are covered on bbc hereford and worceter news. thi is probrably du eto the fact that


Personlallyy, I would not litsent to hereford and worcester due to the fact that a lot of the convrsations do not have a massive bearing on me. This is mainly due to the fact that I am prmarily based in my home area of london, so ther4efore I would choose to listen to my local commercial radio station instead. Another reaosn why I would choose to listen to my commercial radio station is due to the fact that they tend to focus more on current popular music, as opposed to hereford and worcester which features just as much old music as it does current music. Saying this howver, I was surprised that hereford and worcester features as much currnet music as it did.

Compile list of questions for reporter’s visit on November 11
What are the lateswt radio ratings for this station.
How do you choose the music that you play
how do you chhoose stories to put into the news bullitens
how do you find ou abot what the listeners want
How long does it take roughly between recieving a peice of news and then having it bradcast

Monday, 13 October 2008

My first media Project proposal

My station ID will be Capital FM for this project. Capital is a station that plays pop music, and also hosts interviews with various celebrities and stars. It will be a show that would broadcast in the breakfast show slot and would be aimed at young listeners who are on the way to work or school. My guest would be the executive producer of The X factor. I would begin this show by playing a jingle that contains the shows identification and also the shows station identification on it. I would follow this up with a brief piece of introduction about myself and the show. My next task would be for me to introduce my guest, which I would do first through a verbal piece of introduction and then through an archived clip.

Now I will give you a more detailed description of how I believe that this whole project will run, starting with the jingle. The jingle will be extremely fast and upbeat, and will have a blend of synthesized instruments and m0ore traditional ones, in order to make the jingle sound like a modern piece of popular music. I would also lend my vocals to the Jingle, in order to make it sound more authentic.

The next part of my piece would be me introducing myself and the station. I would not use any particular accents and I would also try to speak clearly and concisely so as not to bore the audience and keep them interested. I would then begin to introduce my guest by dropping some hints as to who it is b saying something like “as you know, The x Factor narrowed its set of contestants down to twelve,” I will then play m archived clip which I will discuss in the next paragraph, before finally saying “here is the executive producer of the show to talk about the lineup for this years live shows”

My Archive clip would begin with a brief snapshot of the x factor theme music, followed by an a actor ( which could be the media studies lecturer saying “you've made it through to the live finals” This would be followed by the sounds of someone who is overjoyed about hearing the good news ( perhaps done by the generic sounds of one person cheering) Throughout the clip, a power ballad would be playing in the background, which would be extremely emotional, due to the fact that the usually reject people as well as put them through in this part of the show.

As far as my opening jingle goes, I will compose it in garage band. I will use some of the preset loops to compose something fairly quickly. I will then sing the vocals that I would like on top of the track either through plugging a microphone into one of the computers and singing straight into the machine, or singing into studio six and bringing it over to the machine.

In terms of my archived clip, I will borrow snippets of two songs, one will be a power ballad used to build up the atmosphere, and one will be a briefer clip of the x factor theme, in order for the listener to relate the clip to the show. I will have my media teacher record his lines in studio six, and I will attempt to find a pre-recorded clip of someone extremely happy in order to replicate the scene where someone receives the good nest

In the way of putting it all together, I believe that the best way to proceed would be to record the jingle onto one CD and the archived clip onto the other, and them I should then do the presenting part of this project live in RNC radio studio. When I do it live, I will also be recording it onto another CD. I will then take this CD and put it onto a Macintosh, here I will be able to edit my work using a simple editing program called soundstudio. The reason why I believe this is the best program for me is due to the fact that it is simple to perform operations using the mouse,